Fábián Villányi

open design academy - montreuil

Neighborhoods rethought: Can a vertical typology dissolve boundaries between users of various kinds? Is there a way to transpose functions and gently guide to an understanding of how artists’, designers’ routine looks like? 

If we examine closely, the process might be even more interesting than the result. In order to reach this objective our busy, busy tower hosts both public functions, such as a theater, kindergarten, library, whilst supplying an academy with workshops, studios and collective spaces.

Diverse room heights and volumes throughout the building gives the students of the architecture faculty an sense of atmosphere with life-size mockups. The structure can adapt to the users’ requirements: it is consisting of a supporting concrete structure and an adjustable steel framing. 

Learning is all about experiencing, understanding, analyzing, reinventing, pushing to the limit, experimenting, applying, reflecting, reacting. Therefore, the built environment must support every aspect of the teaching methodology. The faster you can map your surroundings the easier you can react to it.